36 Important Checklist Points For Open Homes in Australia

open homes

Before we discuss 36 Important Checklist Points For Open Homes in Australia. Let me share a small story with you.

Our favorite Ramesh and Suresh again. Ramesh and Suresh migrated on the same day from Singapore to Sydney. Both have 1 wife and 2 kids. Both earn the same. Suresh has been proactive, bought his first property sooner, and has other investment properties also. Ramesh is lazy and busy. Google uncle told him that there is going to be a change in government and property prices are going to fall by 40%. He waited and waited. The last Sunday he got the shock of his life as neither the government changed nor property prices fall by 40%. So from Monday onwards, he has been cursing Google uncle and has become very active.

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open homes australia

After lunch on Thursday, while having 7-11 one-dollar coffee, Ramesh told Suresh that he has finally decided to buy his first place and will go for some open homes and inspections on Saturday. He asked Suresh what should he consider while inspecting the property as he will only have 30 minutes to view it. He asked Suresh to provide him with a handy checklist for open homes. Suresh smiled and in his mind was thinking “Why don’t you ask your Google uncle now for the open homes checklist”. But being a good human being he verbally told the following open homes checklist points Ramesh. Here it goes 37 point open homes checklist……

  1. Check the walls for cracks, patches, wetness, mold, etc. Anything unusual?
  2. Check the floors for similar stuff, and walk stiffly.
  3. Check ceilings for similar stuff Like walls.
  4. Check the bathroom thoroughly. Taps, leaks, wetness, patches, cracks, etc, flush the toilet and see of any blocks. Check for mold.
  5. Kitchen, check appliances, taps, leaks, patches, mold, etc.
  6. Go out and check the backyard, pergola, and presence of rubbish near the home.
  7. Check external walls for cracks, patches, wetness, etc.
  8. See whether drainage is all fine, any water logging near the property or in the block, etc
  9. Overall we will get a feeling of how good is the property. Whether it’s been maintained well or not.
  10. Check whether the property has been rented anytime before or not
  11. If single story then gutters and roofs
  12. Check garages and laundry
  13. Check wardrobes cupboards etc as well
  14. Another important point in the open homes checklist is that if you want to subdivide in the future, call the council to check whether it is currently allowed or any indication that it will be allowed in the future.
  15. The same applies to granny flat potential.
  16. Check to the fence, whether it requires any repairs or replacement. Talk to neighbors and see whether they are willing to pay half of the expenditure.
  17. Spend 500 dollars and get the professional building and pest inspection done in the subsequent cooling-off stage. 500 dollars is nothing compared to 1 million houses.
  18. If you have to get that done for 2 or 3 houses, it is a minimal investment to find out any issues in the future.
  19. Check for trees in the backyard, there have been horror stories of people spending 50000 in getting the trees removed. Some of the trees are prohibited so you may have to check with the council.
  20. Don’t assume things and don’t assume that you can get them removed on your own. It is illegal to do it in Australia. Be careful about it while inspecting open homes in Australia
  21. The ball mark figure to get the kitchen renovated is 25000, bathrooms renos 10000 each. So consider that in your purchase. Another important point in the open homes checklist.
  22. Check the driveway for cracks. It will cost around 6000 to get a new driveway.
  23. Check the grass, whether it needs replacement, it will cost around 5000 to get it replaced.
  24. Check the alarm system, get the alarm codes and working manual of it.
  25. In 90% of the cases, the keys of the house have to be replaced when you plan to buy and move in. Consider 1000 towards the locksmith cost to replace all door and window locks.
  26. If the house has a swimming pool, then I will put another checklist for next week. Please stay tuned for the post as it is a topic on its own.
  27. Check whether the shower tiles need regrouting and silicone. A house more than 7 years will definitely need it. Consider 1000 for such costs.
  28. Check the vanities of the bathroom, and put 1000 to replace them.
  29. Regarding the hot water system, pls check how old is it and whether it needs replacement.
  30. Check whether the kitchen is electric or gas. If electric, you may want gas in it. Check whether the street has a gas pipeline. To get gas from the pipeline to inside the house is approx 4000.
  31. Another important point to consider in open homes is the ball mark to replace flooring is 5000 per floor. You can get laminate flooring done.
  32. Most of the houses more than 10 years old, will need a shower screen replacement. Put 1000 aside per screen aside.
  33. Check whether there is an outdoor kitchen, or any repair or enhancement required there.
  34. Check whether the garage floor is concrete, you may want to do epoxy flooring in it, 1000 for it.
  35. Solar panels. Put 5000 aside for it. This will be without a battery, add 10000 for the battery.
  36. Check the window locks, and whether the windows can be closed.

open homes

In the end, do as your wife says. If you find a house that does not have any of the above issues, pls do ring me and let me know, as I have yet to see such a house. Hope this intensive checklist for inspecting open homes helps you grab a better deal.

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