Dual Income properties have been in limelight recently. Here are the 4 reasons to buy a Dual Income Property in Australia.
Before discussing some great reasons to consider a Dual Income Property as an investment. Let’s check the sample floor plan for Dual Income Property
Two Separate Incomes Under One Roof
- A Dual Living property provides two rental opportunities under 1 roof, giving you the flexibility to rent both separately to different tenants providing two income streams.
- Maximize the potential of one block of land and the floor size under one roof – essentially this means improved cash flow and reduced maintenance costs.
- Decrease risk – if one property is vacant for a certain period, there is still an income from the other dwelling.
- The lower risk is associated with vacancy periods as there is a secondary rental income.
Minimal Expenses and Outgoings Compared to a Home
- Only one set of rates / no body corporate fees; and
- No strata fees, as the dwellings remain on the same lot/title.
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Lower Build Cost Per Sqm and Reduced Maintenance Costs
- Cheaper build costs compared to a duplex or two separate dwellings.
- Lower maintenance costs compared to other properties; and
- A varied style of tenancy arrangements – in-law accommodation, teenager retreat.
Increase Tax Benefits
A Dual Living property will have a higher amount of depreciation which may assist you to minimize income tax by using a depreciation schedule.
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