There are 3 biggest enemies of success.
1. Comfort zone:
This is one of the biggest enemies of success among most people. The Comfort zone is where people become comfortable doing what they’re doing, and they don’t like to change so there’s tremendous resistance to change in our society. 80% of the population finds reasons not to change even if the change can be positive or beneficial.
Some of the examples are: –
- Not willing to learn new skills.
- Keep doing that same old boring job.
- Always criticize your employer that they don’t increase your salary much.
- Feeling jealous of other people.
- Sleeping whole weekend
- Killing useful time by playing cricket full day on weekend.
- Watching too much TV/Mobile
- Not exercising enough.
- Getting up late every day.
2. Learned helplessness:
The second thing that holds people back is what is called learned helplessness. This is where people feel I can’t do it.
Some of the examples are: –
- Not willing to learn by associating yourself with people who are resourceful and have the skills that you desire.
- Not trusting anyone.
- No desire to learn new skills.
- Not having a group of people who are more skillful that you.
- Not putting effort to change yourself.
- Feeding yourself bullshit every day as to why you can’t do it.
- Not investing money to learn new skills.
- Not putting effort to associate yourself with someone who is even willing to make you learn for free.
- Not investing in property/shares/other instruments when the market is quiet because of the laziness to analyze various options.
3. Path of least resistance:
The third enemy is what we call the path of least resistance, which is always looking for an easy way to achieve, but nothing worthwhile can be achieved easily.
Some of the examples are: –
- Finding an easy way out.
- Investing in property/shares when the market is at its peak is when the lazy person hears about the property/share market.
- Investing in investment schemes that promise to make you a millionaire overnight.
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It may or may not be correct. Please do your own due diligence and seek professional advice according to your own personal circumstances. The author or authors cannot be held responsible/liable for any content in this blog.