Getting Solar For Your House

Disclaimer: – Articles in this blog are just personal opinion of the author or authors. It may or may not be correct. Pls do your own due diligence and pls seek professional advice according to your own personal circumstances. The author or authors cannot be held responsible/liable for any contents in this blog.

  • Solar is a highly competitive market.
  • There are thousands of companies dealing in Solar business.
  • Solar companies can be broadly classified into the following: –
    a) Companies who have their own installer staff.
    b) Companies who have a permanent outsourced staff. Means they will use the same installer for all the jobs.
    c) Companies who have temporary outsourced staff. Means they will use different installer for all the jobs.
  • First thing to consider is the product you are going to use. Panels and Inverter.
  • Single storey house or double storey house.
  • Single phase or three phase electricity.
  • Directional orientation of the roof.
  • Shading and trees around.
  • Do you have space next to the meter box to put the inverter?
  • Will the inverter sit in extreme sunlight (this is not good for the inverter)?
  • Tip for new house buyers (under construction). Put your meter box in the south side of the house and also make sure there is enough room to put inverter next to it and more room to put an optional battery next to inverter(in case batteries become cheaper in future).
  • While installation, there are high chances that the roof tiles will break, pls make sure you have some similar spare tiles handy to replace.
  • After selecting the panels and inverter, you must see the type of installation company as explained above and after sales support.
  • Also ask what type if railings and clipping and wires will the installer use to do the installation as they have significant impact on performance.
  • Best is to go with the maximum possible system that the roof can take (pls consult the solar company regarding it)
  • Once the installation is done, Smart meter will be installed instead of existing manual one by your energy provider.
  • Make sure you have Wi-Fi connection to the inverter as you can monitor the output.
  • If not using battery, you will have to switch on most of the appliances when there is enough sunlight during the day.
  • Check the feed in tariff with your energy provider as you will export most of it to the grid.
  • Do your homework and discuss with the solar company about the solar feasibility (number of years it will take to recover the money) and do what is best for you and your family
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