“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” as said by Tony Robbins is purely applicable for building a successful life. Let us discuss 7 Mantras for Great Success in Life
On Friday morning, Ramesh meets Suresh at Bella Vista station and which is a few minutes commute to north sydney station. Ramesh does not have any property inspections planned as he is waiting for a proper pre-approval from the bank via a mortgage broker. Suresh tells Ramesh that he reads too many self-improvement books and he would like to tell Ramesh the summary or some good points from these books.
Here is what Suresh tells Ramesh about mantras for great success in life……..
1. Control your thoughts
You ultimately become what you think in your thoughts. It is very important to think positively and keep negativity away in your self-talk.
You cannot achieve much in life by thinking negatively. It is like you want to date a girl, but in your mind, you think that you are not good-looking and the girl will not go for coffee with you.
Your thoughts lead to your feeling and your feelings leads to actions and your actions leads to your results. So think positively and your brain will always be in a mode to find solutions to whatever problems that come your way.
2) If Anything happens in your life, you are responsible
Take responsibility for your life. This is the biggest quality of people who achieve great success in life. Whatever is happening in your life is the result of your past actions. If anything wrong happens to your actions, try to learn from your mistakes. Don’t find someone to blame for your misdoings.
3) Hard work
Successful people work hard than other people. Successful people are willing to work for free to learn new skills.
If you want to be successful then you should be prepared to pay the price of it. Negative people trade time for money. Commitment and focus are required to become successful.
You have to plan and have a goal and have a burning desire to change your situation.
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4) Problems are part of life, people who solve them achieve great success in life
Understand that problems are an indispensable part of life. Dealing with problems and finding innovative ways to overcome problems are key to success.
Break the problem into small parts and start solving them in small chunks and you will see that you will slowly start moving towards a solution and the path will become clearer day by day.
5) Manage your money well to achieve great success in life
Successful people invest and generate multiple sources of income. They live below their means and understand the value of money.
Warren Buffet never spends more than 4 dollars on breakfast. According to analytics, rich people use coupons while buying online more than poor people. Successful people build a network of professionals around them.
6) Leave the comfort zone for getting great success in life
Nothing can be achieved by spending time in the comfort zone. As per the book “Outliers: The Story of Success”, high achievers always went outside their comfort zone to achieve success.
So next time, you spend too much time on gossip and television, please keep in mind that when you are wasting your time, someone else is training and enhancing his skills and when the two of you will meet in a competition, the other person will beat you.
7) Take action for getting great success in life…
All types of knowledge are of no use, if you don’t take any action.
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