Building a Granny Flat 1
Building a Granny Flat in Sydney

In this article, we will learn about important points to consider before buying a house with a plan of building a granny flat later on.   Ramesh and Suresh bump into each other at Chatswood station in the evening and get into the new metro train line to the hills area. Ramesh was glad that…

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Great Success 1
7 Mantras for Great Success in Life

“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” as said by Tony Robbins is purely applicable for building a successful life. Let us discuss 7 Mantras for Great Success in Life On Friday morning, Ramesh meets Suresh at Bella Vista station and which is a few minutes commute to north sydney station. Ramesh…

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Bendigo Victoria
Informational Trip to Bendigo Victoria

Influenced by the article by property analyst Terry Ryder about Bendigo. I decided to take the flight to Melbourne, book a rental car and drive down to Bendigo Victoria for an informational visit. While driving, which was roughly a 1.5-hour drive, my thoughts were that it would be a regional area with a village atmosphere,…

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Types Of Dwellings
Different Types Of Dwellings

In this article, I will explain briefly about Different types of dwellings. We will also look into the pros and cons of each. Unit vs apartment vs villa vs townhouse vs duplex vs community titled vs battleaxe vs house Unit Dwellings Older types of apartments are called units. They are usually low-rise and 5 to…

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Rooming And Multigeneration

Disclaimer:- Articles in this blog are just personal opinion of the author or authors. It may or may not be correct. Pls do your own due diligence and pls seek professional advice according to your own personal circumstances. The author or authors cannot be held responsible/liable for any contents in this blog. Rooming and multigeneration During…

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Getting Rid Of The Rat Race

Disclaimer: – Articles in this blog are just personal opinion of the author or authors. It may or may not be correct. Pls do your own due diligence and pls seek professional advice according to your own personal circumstances. The author or authors cannot be held responsible/liable for any contents in this blog. Looking at…

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