Checklist for a final property inspection before the settlement

property inspection checklist

Checklist for a final property inspection before the settlement.

  1. Check that the keys are in order. Most people forget that the keys are the most important part of the handover. Check the window keys, the main door key, the key to the shed, and the key to the common property. You may also consider getting the entry door lock replaced after the handover. This is because you never know who all have the keys to your house.
  2. Next, I add to the property inspection checklist is Remote control. Check that you will get the remote control to the garage.
  3. Remotes to the appliances for example AC remote, etc.
  4. Check that the appliances are working. This should be part of the building and pest inspection. Check that the appliances are in working order. This includes an oven, cooktop, AC, etc.
  5. Checking the working status of the hot water system is another important step for property inspection.
  6. Check that there is no breakage in terms of window glass breakage.
  7. Check that there is no rubbish on the site. While performing property inspection of my properties, I had the owner leave old carpets in the garage which cost me money to remove it.
  8. Check that the garage door is still working.
  9. Check that the things attached to the house are still there. For example, you should always get the things that u want after the settlement is added to the contract itself. So that the previous owner cannot take it with them. This may include a projector, curtains, pool table, etc, TV hang system.
  10. If you have a swimming pool, check that you still have it in a working situation.
  11. Alarm systems check how to operate the alarm system, and what are the passwords for it.
  12. Check if any regular maintenance guys come to the property, for example, the previous owner may have a good lawn mowing person, etc, pool maintenance guy, pest guy, etc and u may leverage the existing relationship. It depends upon your personality whether you value relationships or not. It is an optional but important step in a property inspection process.
  13. Check if any blue tongue lizards are present in the garden.
  14. Check the termite protection, when was it last done, or is there any regular termite protection medicine being put on every year?
  15. Check whether any maintenance was done and try to get the invoices for it, for example, warranties on any new appliances, etc etc.

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