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Tour of South West Sydney

Tour started with travelling to gledswood hills. Saw the hermitage area. Went to see dreamscape estate in gregory hills. These two areas are well established areas and have a community look and feel. The developers have already developed the area and then releasing the land slowly in a drip-feeding manner. The rentals are decent in the area. I was told that most of the people living in these suburbs work in campbelltown. Quick google shows that rental vacancy rate is less than 2% and rental population is less than 20% which is in favour of these suburbs.
Next went to the other side of Camden valley way. Looked at Catherine fields and Oran park. Both are again well established and community feeling suburbs. Situation is same as in gledswood/Gregory hills. Land is being released within an established suburb. People are already living there, and people work in nearby suburbs.

Felt hungry and decided to go Leppington for coffee. Went to Stocklands Willowdale shopping centre. Was astonished to see the hustle and bustle of the shopping centre. Major retailers were already operating there and had a very nice coffee with toast in ‘The Shed Café’. Friend pointed out that it looks very much like Stanhope gardens. Stocklands Willowdale is already established community and people are living there. Some of my IT friends commute daily from Willowdale via the Leppington train station to Wynyard.

Fuelled with nice coffee, went to visit the Leppington and Austral area. The area is being developed and lot of existing and upcoming land releases and home and land options are there.
Other noteworthy areas are edmonston park and bardia, which are near to an existing train station.
Spring farm and cobbitty are other new and upcoming areas in that part of Sydney.
In next 5 years, you will hear the term “Aerotropolis” over and over again. Suggest visiting the government website and the plans related to the new airport at badgery creek. All the details are in the below link….